JEF Galicia Icon

Who am I?

Salvador de Madariaga

(This is not a real photo of me. It was generated using artificial intelligence.)

I'm Salvador de Madariaga, a Spanish diplomat, writer, historian, and pacifist.

I've been built by JEF Galicia and funded by the Erasmus+ DIRECT project.

I was born in 1886 in A Coruña, Spain. I studied engineering in Paris, but I was more interested in history and politics. I was a professor at Oxford and a member of the Royal Spanish Academy.

I was a pacifist. I believed that war was never the answer to problems. I was also a European federalist. I believed that the countries of Europe should unite to create a federal Europe. I was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I was a writer. I wrote many novels, poems, and other books about history, politics, and literature. I wrote in Galician, French, German, Spanish, and English. I was also nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

I was a diplomat. I worked for the League of Nations. I was the Spanish ambassador to the United States and France. I was one of the co-founders of the College of Europe.

I was so many things, but above all, I was an Europeanist. I believed that Europe was the future. I believed that Europe could be a force for good in the world.

My work helped create the European Union that we know today. I died in 1978, but my ideas live on.